Artpractagogical Practice
Due to my works in 2023 I discovered my role as an Artpractagogue, combining ‘art’ and ‘practagogue’. Which means actively engaging in both art mediation pedagogy and my own artistic practice, embodying the qualities of both an art practitioner and a educator in and outside of the artistic realm. My curiosity lies at the intersection of these disciplines, exploring and investigating a holistic approach by incorporating educational principles, guidance, and the application of pedagogical techniques at the same time as switching between being an artist and in their own practise and letting go of being an artist with their own practise, called Artpractagogical Practise. ‘Artpractagoguical Practice’ represents my combined role as an artpractagogue, emphasizing the integrated approach of engaging in art mediation, pedagogy, education and personal artistic practice and switching between these approaches. I am still in process to understand and grasp this research.
FRÖBEL Studio-Scholarship 2023-2024
What does a studio actually look like from the inside and how is a work of art created? How do children perceive art and what can artists learn from them about their own works? In the future, artists, children and daycare professionals will be able to pursue these questions together: In our newly opened FRÖBEL studio in Essen-Borbeck, we promote exchange between the art world and early education.
FRÖBEL was able to win Locuratolo for the cooperation in 2023. Locuratolo graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Belgium). Despite a nomadic way of life and trinational origin, Locuratolo's home is in North Rhine-Westphalia. Locuratolo and the children from the FRÖBEL kindergarten on Marktstrasse visit each other twice a week. Together they become artistically active, go on excursions and take part in activities and festivals in the neighborhood.
“For Locuratolo, the FRÖBEL studio is a space in which art can be created freely, playfully and in community: “For me, the studio is a place of losing yourself and rediscovering. I like to be inspired by the children. They have the ability to fully devote themselves to the moment.” Fröbel e.V.
In the showroom, we display the collaborated work in progress.
Art Mediation at
Das Sprechende Eck
2023, Action Space by Maximilane Baumgartner at Ruhrding Schlaf, Urbane Künste Ruhr
Situated on a ball field near Dreiringplatz is a bright yellow, situationally deployable and mobile architecture called Das Sprechende Eck (The Talking Corner). As an open playing field and framework for action, it invites children, youth, and adults to explore their very own artistic forms of agency. Following the motto ‘We accept commissions’, an office run by participating children and adolescents for the duration of the exhibition takes on and carries out commissions from local businesses and public venues, such as hair salons, Internet cafés, bakeries, or cinemas. Possible commissions include advertising, decorating store windows, and photography. Das Sprechende Eck is inspired by play sculptures in the context of radical pedagogy and action pedagogy of the 1970s and by the architecture of Soviet bus stops in which painting was an integral part.
text: Urbane Künste Ruhr
The project is developed by the artist and art educator Maximiliane Baumgartner. A team of art mediators worked closely together with her. The team included Eda Secim, Timo Kemp, Maria Renee Morales Garcia & me. Thank you very much to the Kids, Maximilane Baumgartner and the whole team.